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Route 5: South Yuba City (Extended Service Hours)

Click here or in the "Fares" box to the right for system-wide fare information, including local routes.  

Download Route 5 Schedule and Fares Effective 21, 2025


  • White + shaded background = weekday service
  • Shaded background only = Saturday service 
  • No Sunday service
  • (T) = Transfer point

Route 5: South Yuba City 

Walton Terminal Sam's Club (Depart) Franklin & Winco Lincoln & Walton Lincoln & Railroad Bogue & Garden Walton & Lincoln Franklin & Winco Yuba City Marketplace Walton Terminal Sam's Club (Arrive)
(T)                 (T)
6:18 6:28 6:31 6:39 6:47
6:53 6:59 7:04 7:08 7:12 7:22 7:25 7:35 7:45
7:53 7:59 8:04 8:08 8:12 8:22 8:25 8:35 8:45
8:53 8:59 9:04 9:08 9:12 9:22 9:25 9:35 9:45
9:53 9:59 10:04 10:08 10:12 10:22 10:25 10:35 10:45
10:53 10:59 11:04 11:08 11:12 11:22 11:25 11:35 11:45
11:53 11:59 12:04 12:08 12:12 12:22 12:25 12:35 12:45
12:53 12:59 1:04 1:08 1:12 1:22 1:25 1:35 1:45
1:53 1:59 2:04 2:08 2:12 2:22 2:25 2:35 2:45
2:53 2:59 3:04 3:08 3:12 3:22 3:25 3:35 3:45
3:53 3:59 4:04 4:08 4:12 4:22 4:25 4:35 4:45
4:53 4:59 5:04 5:08 5:12 5:22 5:25 5:35 5:45
5:53 5:59 6:04 6:08 6:12 6:22 6:25 6:35 6:45
6:53 6:59 7:04 7:08 7:12 7:22 7:25 7:35 7:45
7:53 7:59 8:04 8:08 8:12

(T) Route 5 offers timed transfers with Routes 1 and 2 at the Walton Terminal