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Transit Related Information & Links

General Transportation & Transit Information:

NorCal Go                                                  Visit their website here.   

Bay Area Region 511                                 Visit their website here.    

Statewide Travel Information                  Visit their website here.

Caltrans Traffic Information                     Visit their website here.    


Area Transit Operators:

Butte County: B-line Transit - Call 530-342-0221

                                                                       Visit their website here.

Colusa County: Colusa County Transit - Call 530-458-0287

                                                                       Visit their website here.

*El Dorado County: El Dorado Transit - Call 530-642-5383

                                                                       Visit their website here

Glenn County: Glenn Transit Service - Call 530-934-6700

                                                                       Visit their website here

Mountain Transit                                         Call-530-675-9576

     Operated out of the Foothill Resource Center                    

                                                                      Visit their website here

Nevada County: Gold Country Stage Transit - Call 530-477-0103

                                                                       Visit their website here.

*Placer County: Placer County  Transit - Call 916-784-6177

                                                                       Visit their website here.

*Placer County: Roseville Transit - Call 916-774-5293

                                                                        Visit their website here.

Plumas County: Plumas Transit Systems - Call 530-283-2538

                                                                         Visit their website here

*Sacramento County: Sacramento Regional Transit - Call 916-321-2877

                                                                         Visit their website here.

Sierra County: No public transit service available - Call 530-289-3201

                                                                         Visit their website here.  

*Yolo County: Yolobus - Call 530-666-2877 or 530-661-0816

                                                                          Visit their website here

* = Agencies that offer connecting services in downtown Sacramento. Be sure to check their website or call for schedule information prior to traveling.  


Non-Emergency Medical & Special Populations Transportation: 

Alta California Regional Center                                   Visit their website here.

     Local Office: 950 Tharp Road, Suite 202 Yuba City

     Phone: 530-674-3070

American Cancer Society                                            Visit their website here

     Cancer-related medical appointments only (Road-to-Recovery Program).

     Regional Office: 1545 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento

     Phone: 1-800-227-2345

Diamond Care Medical Transport                              Visit their website here.

     Local Office: 437 North Palora Avenue, Yuba City

     Phone: 530-822-6547

Easter Seals                                                                   Visit their website here.

     Local Office: 1670 Sierra Avenue, Suite 601, Yuba City

     Phone: 530-673-4585      

Everyday Friendly Transport Service

     Local Office: 1000 Lincoln Road, Suite H, Yuba City

     Phone: 530-751-9370

FREED                                                                             Visit their website here.                         

     Local Office: 1100 Butte House Road, Suite 120, Yuba City

     Phone: 530-742-4474

 Open Door Medical Transportation

      Regional Office: 4705 Marconi Ave, Carmichael

      Phone: 916-547-1322 

Paratransit, Inc.                                                              Visit their website here.               

     Phone: 916-429-2009 - Option 4

VA Northern California Health Care System            Visit their website here.

     Intercity non-emergency medical transportation for veterans.

     A.K.A. Yuba City Veteran's Services

     Phone: 530-751-4500

Veteran’s Services (Bi-County)                                   

     Local Office: 5730 Packard Avenue, Suite 300, Marysville

     Phone: 530-749-6710


Airport Transportation:

Elite Limo (Chico)                                                                              530-893-5466

Van Man Charters                        Visit their website here.            530-520-4303


Rideshare, Railway, Inter-city & Charter Bus Services:

 Amtrak San Joaquin                   Amtrak San Joaquins Route 3 bus serves Yuba County with daily northbound buses from Marysville. Buses arrive and depart from Government Center from I and 9th Street.

Visit Amtrak San Joaquins, Route 3 Thruway Bus for the daily schedule and to book your tickets.                                

Bus-Man Charters                       Visit their website here.           530-520-8600

Elite Limo (Chico)                                                                             530-893-5466                                                     

Greyhound                                    Visit their website here.           1-800-231-2222

FlixBus                                             Visit their website here.

Regional Vanpool Program       Visit their website here.              Dial 5-1-1  

                                                        Visit their resource website here.    

VIP Limousine Services            Visit their website here.              530-514-4001