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Sacramento Commuter Express 

The Sacramento Commuter Express offers frequent commute-hour service between Marysville/Yuba City and key stops in Downtown Sacramento.

  • No reservations are required to board buses for our Sacramento service.
  • You can catch the Commuter and Midday Express buses at several locations in Yuba City, Marysville, Olivehurst or Plumas Lake. Routes then travel along Highway 99 or Highway 70. 
  • Monthly commuter passes can be used on the Midday Express, Local Fixed Routes, and Rural Routes within the Yuba-Sutter Transit system. 
  •  Monthly combined commuter passes (the RT pass add-on) can be used as mentioned above, in addition to SacRT bus and light rail routes.
  • Discount cash fare is not available on the morning or afternoon service, but it is available on the midday service.

Call (530) 742-2877 for route, schedule and fare information or dial 511 toll free from Sacramento.

 Follow the links below to view the current Sacramento Commuter & Midday Service brochure.

Yuba-Sutter Transit Sacramento Commuter & Midday Express Effective 11-1-2023

Sacramento Commuter Express Morning Schedule

Monday - Friday

BUS STOPS 1st 70 (170) 1st 99 (199) 2nd 70 (270) 2nd 99 (299) 3rd 70 (370) 3rd 99 (399)
Walton Terminal (Sunsweet) - - - - - -
Caltrans District Office (B & 8th) - - - - - -
Yuba Co. Gov't Center (I & 9th) 5:25 - 5:55 6:05 6:40 -
Walton Terminal (Sam's Club) - 5:30 - 6:15 - 6:45
McGowan Park & Ride (Hwy 70) 5:35 - 6:05 - 6:50 -
Plumas Lake Park & Ride (Hwy 70) 5:42 - 6:15 - 7:02 -
Bogue Park & Ride (Bogue & Hwy 99) - 5:40 - 6:25 - 6:55
2379 Gateway Oaks (Southbound) - - - - - -
J & 4th 6:15 6:20* 6:50* 7:05* 7:40 7:38*
J & 8th 6:16 6:21* 6:52* 7:07* 7:42 7:40*
J & 11th 6:17 6:22* 6:54* 7:09* 7:44 7:42*
15th & K 6:20 6:25* 6:57* 7:12* 7:47 7:45*
15th & N 6:21 6:26* 6:58* 7:13* 7:48 7:46*
P & 13th 6:23 6:28* 7:00* 7:15* 7:50 7:48*
P & 9th 6:24 6:29* 7:02* 7:17* 7:52 7:50*
P & 5th 6:25 6:30* 7:05* 7:20* 7:55 7:53*
2379 Gateway Oaks (Northbound) 6:32 - - - - -
Bogue Park & Ride (Bogue & Hwy 99) - - - - - -
Walton Terminal (Sunsweet) - - - - - -
Yuba Co. Gov't Center (I & 9th) - - - - - -
Plumas Lake Park & Ride (Hwy 70) - - - - - -
McGowan Park & Ride (Hwy 70) - - - - - -
Caltrans District Office (B & 8th) 7:20* - - - 8:45* -
Yuba Co. Gov't Center (I & 9th) 7:25* - - - 8:50* -
Walton Terminal (Sam's Club) - - - - - -


* Service to these locations is provided for passenger drop-off only.  

For morning service from Sacramento to Marysville, all morning downtown arrival times are approximate so you must be at your stop at least 10 minutes early to avoid missing the bus.

Sacramento Commuter Express Afternoon Schedule

Monday - Friday

BUS STOPS 1st 99 (199) 1st 70 (170) 2nd 70 (270) 2nd 99 (299) 3rd 70 (370) 3rd 99 (399)
Walton Terminal (Sunsweet) - - - - - -
Caltrans District Office (B & 8th) - - - - 4:10 -
Yuba Co. Gov't Center (I & 9th) 2:40 - - - - 4:30
Walton Terminal (Sam's Club) - - - - - -
McGowan Park & Ride (Hwy 70) - - - - - -
Plumas Lake Park & Ride (Hwy 70) - - - - - -
Bogue Park & Ride (Bogue & Hwy 99) - - - - - -
2379 Gateway Oaks (Southbound) - - - - 4:55* -
J & 4th 3:30 3:35 4:05 4:30 5:05 5:25
J & 8th 3:32 3:37 4:07 4:32 5:08 5:28
J & 11th 3:34 3:39 4:09 4:34 5:10 5:30
15th & K 3:37 3:42 4:12 4:37 5:15 5:35
15th & N 3:38 3:43 4:13 4:38 5:16 5:37
P & 13th 3:40 3:45 4:15 4:40 5:20 5:41
P & 9th 3:42 3:47 4:17 4:42 5:22 5:43
P & 5th 3:45 3:50 4:20 4:45 5:25 5:45
2379 Gateway Oaks (Northbound) - - - - - -
Bogue Park & Ride (Bogue & Hwy 99) 4:25* - - 5:30* - 6:30*
Walton Terminal (Sunsweet) 4:40* - - 5:45* - 6:45*
Yuba Co. Gov't Center (I & 9th) 4:50* - - 5:55* - 6:55*
Plumas Lake Park & Ride (Hwy 70) - 4:25* 4:55* - 6:05* -
McGowan Park & Ride (Hwy 70) - 4:40* 5:10* - 6:20* -
Caltrans District Office (B & 8th) - - - - - -
Yuba Co. Gov't Center (I & 9th) - 4:55* 5:25* - 6:30* -
Walton Terminal (Sam's Club) - - - - - -


* Service to these locations is provided for passenger drop-off only.